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let it go

Are you still holding on? Time to let it go

Life is all about the choices we make. Few conscious decisions and little effort to mould our lives the way we want can make a huge difference. Among all the decisions we take and the confusions we have, the most vital ones are linked to this – Are we still #holdingon to something? Is it the right time to let it go? How long shall we hold on? Here is a simple real life incident which is food for thought:

The #pandemic and #workfromhome scenario indeed posed several challenges to all of us. Padma and Subha who are working mothers and flatmates in a gated community are no exception to this. The only flip side of this situation is that they now meet for a little stroll in the community park every evening, discussing about their work day.

Padma is a software developer in an MNC. She started saying, “Subha, it was a horrible day at work. Our manager has called for an urgent team meeting as we have got some new features to develop on priority. I am already running behind schedule for my committed tasks. I really don’t know how I can manage all this Ad-hoc tasks now. To top that is Naveen’s usual show off nonsense. I am so tired of it Subha!”

Naveen is Padma’s team mate. They never had the right co-ordination from the beginning of project. Padma and Naveen had quite a few a cold wars without their managers’ knowledge. Recently, Padma openly talked to him mentioning the issues she has with his committed deadlines as she is supposed to take over the work after he does his part. Naveen seemed to have taken this in a positive way. Nevertheless, Padma still has bitterness towards him.

Subha responded, “Oops! I understand that’s a lot of work. Do you want me to take care of one of your kiddo tonight so that you can finish off your work?”

Padma replied, “That’s sweet of you. Thanks! But, I hate this Naveen guy really. Why couldn’t he mention to our manager that we already have a lot of pending work? Why put a brave happy face and accept it? Now I have no say but to do it along with him”.

Subha was silent for a while. She then said calmly, “Padma, I totally understand your work pressure. As a #workingmom, I have seen how our #workdynamics have changed with #workfromhome. We do not have uninterrupted or dedicated work or family time now. But in this case, I want to ask you a few questions for which answers need not be given to me but to yourself.

  • If you cannot take up the extra work, why did you not mention that to manager? Why wait for Naveen to comment?
  • What is the core problem in hand right now? Is it the extra work, lack of time, or having to work with Naveen?
  • Do you think it is time you let go your bitterness with Naveen? Do you think holding on to it is creating more pressure than the work itself?

Does this situation seem familiar? Shall we all try to be in Padma’s shoes for a while and try to think about these questions? We may then understand why sometimes letting go of few things is sometimes crucial for our own mental health.



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