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How remote working has changed the work dynamics - 3 ways you can adapt to it

Gone are the days when you have to schedule at least an hour a day for commuting to office.

With pandemic, your desk is just a minute away from your bed. We would be surprised to see how remote working has changed the work dynamics and hence we have 3 ways you can adapt to it with travel to and fro office being out of the picture, we all have adapted and evolved to the new work life scenarios with a lot of things changing for good, permanently.

Organizations are now more inclined to provide #homeofficesetups and work from home flexibility even post pandemic. Many organizations now trust employees with their commitment to work and are least bothered about the number of work hours they log in to work.

At the beginning of #pandemic, none of us imagined work life shaping in this way. We all had our share of challenges. We had to struggle to set expectations on the availability and timings, to communicate and interact virtually. But slowly, we are now adapting to this change in a positive way. We now have more time to spend with families. We can now spare time to cook healthy meals instead of rushing our meals with takeaways. Commuting to offices which are typically five to ten miles away from residential areas was a major setback for everyone. With remote working, the time to commute is totally ours to spare. Working moms and parents too have their own challenges but they too have a flip side of being able to spend time with their kids.

Initially, managers and leadership teams worried on productivity of people while #workingfromhome. However, the statistics also show that the productivity of employees has remained the same and in most cases increased to an extent with most of us working from home.

#Worklifebalance also started to establish after the initial period. All in all, with these positive effects, the organizations are now inclining to have #workfromanywhere policies or planning to setup local offices wherever possible. Having small local offices instead of huge office buildings at the outskirts reduces transit time and thereby employees and organizations reap the benefits of the time saved.

Though there are major advantages with #workfromhome flexibility, there are also few things we must observe and follow to make this more effective in long run:

  • Be clear on the time when you are available online or for calls. Office and work place may be same physically. But, try not to mix them mentally.
  • Go for walks or do some indoor exercise and meditation. Remote working can become too monotonous and may lead to #depression. These little things help a lot.
  • Observe your posture while working. Have a proper office setup in which you are comfortable working for long hours.
  • Do not delay your meal times just because you are at home now and can have it anytime. Prioritize your health and eating habits too.

With these tips in mind, you can avoid #remoteworkingburnout and this will change the way work life is for us.


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