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multi dimesional

Woman, you are Multidimensional

These days, we women introduce ourselves as a working woman or just a house wife. There are very few women, who take pride in saying that they are a home maker. Whether we women are in the office, or home the fact is that we work everywhere. The question is how we perceive our work. That makes all the difference.

When a woman decides to step out and work, there are many aspects of her personality that needs to be worked upon. She needs to have clarity about many aspects of her life like her relevant career, the flexibility and limitations, the family priorities, and even the dress sense plays an important role.

There are few realistic guidelines which will help you to excel at work place as well as a homemaker.

  • Work Smart: Working hard is and was always a slogan by many. Working hard is always difficult. So, working smart and joyful makes the life even easier. How about you do many things but you still feel like you have not done enough? That’s how it should be. If you are not feeling the same now, then you just need to introspect, if you are in the right career path or not. Do work that you love to do or learn to love the work that you are doing. Have clarity on the type of work you choose to do.
  • Perception Beyond: Go beyond the word like peer pressure, competition. It is like living life in instalments, sometime joyful and sometime constipated. Focus on your ultimate potential. Get your fundamentals right, please understand that your capabilities will find expression only when you are in absolute relaxation, at ease. Learn to be intense and inclusive and at the same time relaxed and at ease to enhance and unleash your ultimate potential. Being stressful never allows you to unleash your true potential. Train your body and mind with exercise, yoga and meditation to unleash the magic in you.
  • Be Inclusive: Be Inclusive to situations at work where people work for you willingly. For this, you have to be first inclusive towards people around you without being judgmental about them.
  • Address Your Persona Appropriately: Clothing is an integral aspect of your life. Many people choose their attire based on situations like weather, type of work, tradition, expression of their mood or emotion. So, clothing can be a powerful influence in your life. So, when it comes to women clothing, or human clothing for that matter; it is not about just wearing an attire, moreover, it is about addressing your persona from outside and in. So, choosing appropriate attire sensibly for work will add an extra weightage to your persona. A smarter way is to choose quality over quantity.
  • Advocate Yourself: Many of us believe that if we just work hard, we will be recognized and rewarded appropriately be it at home or office. Unfortunately, that’s not the fact. We all are born negotiators. The only problem is that we do not realize it and implement the innate skills at the right time. So, learn to advocate for yourself for better package, benefits, promotions and positions. Learn to promote your skills and put them to use at the right time. Negotiation skills help to improve self-esteem, and using emotion appropriately to work for you instead of against you. So be a smart negotiator at home and in the work place too.

Never give up, and upgrade yourself beyond the thinking of man vs woman. Women are the beautiful Creation, created by the Creator who has empowered us to create the next generation of life. Realizing and experiencing this beautiful truth of empowerment, we can excel in all dimensions by accepting challenges and situations whatsoever.

Happy Working to All Women!


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