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Are you still holding on? Time to let it go

Life is all about the choices we make. Few conscious decisions and little effort to mould our lives the way we want can make a huge difference. Among all the decisions we take and the confusions we have, the most vital ones are linked to this – Are we still #holdingon to something? Is it the right time to let it go? How long shall we hold on? Here is a simple real life incident which is food for thought:

5 tips how to overcome challenges that working moms face

Pandemic has completely drifted the directions and ways in which we work. Prior to this pandemic situation, most working mothers would drop their kids at school or creche and relax for some time. The time they are at work is mostly uninterrupted. However, with the current working from home scenario working moms must deal with online classes, cooking, cleaning, and the tantrums of kids round the clock. Even with some support from other family members, moms’ roles have become extremely challenging. In this scenario, here are 5 tips to overcome few challenges that working moms face.

5 ways to avoid remote working burnout

With Covid situation and remote working being the new normal, there is an impending problem to all the people working remotely – “Remote working burnout”. It means working more than the time for which our body and mind can support us effectively. Simply put, working excessive hours. Work life balance is no more a valid term now, as there is no well-defined boundary between work time and home or family time. Some organizations are welcoming employees to work from office on a voluntary basis.

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