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  • working from home
    5 ways to avoid remote working burnout

    With Covid situation and remote working being the new normal, there is an impending problem to all the people working remotely – “Remote working burnout”. It means working more than the time for which our body and mind can support us effectively. Simply put, working excessive hours. Work life balance is no more a valid term now, as there is no well-defined boundary between work time and home or family time. Some organizations are welcoming employees to work from office on a voluntary basis.

  • well being
    4 simple tips to support your well being

    Does your day start with a rush to start the work (household chores or professional work or both) and ends with you dozing off exhausted? Do you always plan to focus on some self-improvement areas but never able to squeeze this in your schedule? Do you wake up with a grumpy face and always wait to go back to bed? Does a single incident with another person bother you for rest of your day? If you have mentally answered “yes” for at least one of these questions, this article is for you. Monotony and routine kill the enthusiasm in us if it is not interesting.

  • journal
    Two powerful tools to improve quality of your life – Journaling and Doodling

    Twenty years from today, stress was a rare visitor in daily lives of our previous generation. Today, it is not an exaggeration if I say stress has become part and parcel of everyone’s life irrespective of age, gender, and profession. No wonder we all wait for “weekend” to take a break from it so that we get ourselves prepared to face a new week filled with all this again! Have you ever thought why we crave for weekend when weekdays and weekends both are part of our lives? Shouldn’t we be living or enjoying our life, no matter what the day of week is?

  • leadership management
    Practice Leadership, Own Your Judgement

    To practice leadership, we should be mindful of situations and become self-aware about when we label people. Be it workplace or society, we label people both positively and negatively.

    Does labeling someone liberates you or restricts you from becoming a great effective leader?

    Have you ever been labelled by someone, and you absolutely didn’t appreciate about it? 

    Isn’t it a constipated way of connecting with people?