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well being

4 simple tips to support your well being

Does your day start with a rush to start the work (household chores or professional work or both) and ends with you dozing off exhausted? Do you always plan to focus on some self-improvement areas but never able to squeeze this in your schedule? Do you wake up with a grumpy face and always wait to go back to bed? Does a single incident with another person bother you for rest of your day? If you have mentally answered “yes” for at least one of these questions, this article is for you. Monotony and routine kill the enthusiasm in us if it is not interesting. But if you include some strategies for your wellbeing, you will wake up looking forward to next 12 hours of wonderful opportunity to achieve things rather than waiting for a day to end. You can enjoy your day if you are well taken care of. Mentally and physically. Here are few strategies and tips on how it all starts from YOU and you would be surprised that it is not your nosy neighbour, irritating colleague or bad horoscope that are to be blamed.


  1. Physical activity is the key to your mental and physical wellbeing. There are many researchers which support the fact that a physically active person is more positive and thinks better than the one who is not. Start including any one type of exercise each day. Be it yoga asanas or Zumba, pick what you like and start with 15 minutes. You can keep increasing the time as well as change the routine as you get more comfortable doing them. Physical activities pump in good hormones which in turn help you focus on your work better.
  2. Spend some time on your hobby. All of us are so busy working on things that we need to get done, that we forget what we used to like when we were kids. Be it painting, gardening, cooking, or music, all these are perfect stress busters and a great way to focus on your wellbeing. Why not pick one of such activities and spend an hour a week to yourself getting better on these? This healthy deviation gives us good mental relaxation and gets us equipped for a better tomorrow. Who knows you might actually end up starting a side hustle with your hobby.
  3. Meditate for ten minutes a day. I cannot stress enough on the importance of meditating. This does not need a great coaching. For the starters, you can simply sit in a comfortable posture with eyes closed and let you mind do the random thoughts while you just breathe in and out. Do not force yourself to discard your thoughts initially. All you need is to concentrate on your breath. It works wonders especially when you are used to the everyday rush. A ten minutes of this helps you do great with your focus. Try to be as consistent as possible for better results.
  4. Take a day or half a day off from your regular activities. Routine takes a toll on most of us. Eat, work, sleep and repeat may seem fine superficially but might drain you off your enthusiasm for new things. Take a day out from your regular cooking, office work, or cleaning. This day you are free to do things you like or just laze around on your bed. 

Finally, your well being is in your hands. You deserve being happy and enjoying the work you do and hence taking some time out for your progress and self-care is absolutely essential. A happy individual is much more efficient in ding the tasks than the one who is not!. 


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