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struggles make you a stronger person

A cocoon cannot fly – 5 reasons why struggles make you a stronger person

A little boy once saw a caterpillar in his garden. From that day, he started observing the changes it goes through each day. He saw the caterpillar eat leaves, get plumper, and finally one day it hangs upside down from a leaf. It forms a shiny cocoon around itself. The boy was surprised at the changes that the caterpillar was going through. He spoke to his father one day and asked him, "Dad, why has the happy leaf-eating caterpillar turned to this cocoon? I see it must be struggling. Why can’t it just directly turn into a beautiful butterfly?" His father responded, "Son, the very practical answer to this is that is how nature and life process is. But there is also deeper meaning for this beautiful metamorphosis. The struggle of a larva turning into a butterfly seeing all these phases makes the butterfly what it is at the end. Beautiful and ready to face the world. The struggle is what makes the larva an amazing living being that you appreciate." The boy shook his head, learned his lesson, and moved on to be a person ready to face challenges in life. Isn’t this simple life process an amazing lesson for all of us too? Struggles and experiences indeed make you stronger. For a butterfly to fly it has to pass the cocoon phase. Similarly, struggles and processes of learning.

  1. Struggles teach you how to face the toughest challenges of life– We all look at struggle periods in life with a negative mindset. But have you ever looked back and noticed that it is in those times that you have learned the best of your life lessons? As a result, you will no more be scared to face further challenges.
  2. Struggles help you be grateful for the things in your life – After passing through a struggle period most of us realize how blessed we all are for the little things we have. We learn and be grateful that the things we possess and the relations we hold are priceless.
  3. Your story might be inspiring to many others – The most difficult times in your life help you grow. This in turn helps people around you to see a great success or inspiring story. This is in turn help them to be stronger when they face such situations. The emotional stability you gain after a tough period is worth learning for many others.
  4. Struggles push you out of your #comfort zone - A bad period of life is the time when you are not exactly in your #comfortzone. You might be in situations where you do not ever desire to be. Though not consciously, being out of comfort zone in itself marks the beginning of a different kind of learning.
  5. Struggles help you become a better person overall - After a trying time, you notice that your attitude towards life changes. Most of the time, you become an understanding person even if you were a #bitterperson earlier. This is because you have seen worst time and the transformation itself makes you a better person.

The phase in which you suffer, work harder than earlier, or do not get the expected result is tough. However, it is this time, and the way you handle it makes you a different person. Remember the golden line, "This too shall pass".


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