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finding an opportunity

Find an opportunity to grow during a crisis.

What will be our general response to any crisis or abnormal situation? We slowdown or shut our regular works, find ways and means just to survive. This is with most of us.

However, there is an interesting story of a company which has a revenue of 1000 crores now. MTR (Mavalli Tiffin Rooms) is the company and the story of their evolution and adaptability leaves us all in awe.

@Thinkschool shared this story in detail in one of their YouTube videos. How the 1975 crisis made MTR not shut down or lay off their employees but rather make amends to ways in which money can be earned. All this by sticking very firmly to their company values and morals. MTR faced the crisis along with all other competitors but they did not succumb to it. They simply shifted the business from a hotel or restaurant to a packed food supply.

What a wonderful way to handle a crisis where the menu prices of all restaurants were decided by the government during a crisis! Now, we all have also seen and going through another similar kind of crisis.


Two years back if someone told us about lockdowns, economic crisis, a deadly virus, we would all have probably laughed and left it. But this is the reality now. Many have lost jobs, lives, and their dear family members.

We have two waves of Covid behind us and maybe more to come. Should we surrender ourselves to the situation or evolve like a cactus? A simple example around us is a tailor who lost regular work and earning during Covid. Most of them started making cotton masks during Covid and sold them in bulk for survival.

Now, what would you choose to do during a threat or crisis?

  1. Escape from it

  2. Stay where you are till the phase passes

  3. Find opportunities for growth

The choice is yours to make. Do you want your emotions to control your body or your mind to think through, generate ideas and make your body work for it?


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