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success begins at the end of your comfort zone

5 ways to get out of your comfort zone and get to growth zone

#Comfortzone is a state of mind we all have when we are around familiar people or in comfortable working or living conditions. It is a nice place to stay for some time but not a place where you will experience growth or get things you want. 

So, clearly there are many reasons why you must get out of your #comfortzone.

Now that we know this as a fact, let us dive deep and see 5 ways to get out of your comfort zone and get to what we call #growthzone. 

  1. Start with small things – If you have just started to swim, the best advice would be to start it in a small pool. Similarly, if you want to start getting out of #comfortzone, start with something small. It can be as small as going to a new meeting with a different set of people with who you are not very comfortable, or even going to a new supermarket for grocery shopping.
  2. Take the first step and coach yourself not to go back – Often, doing something new requires you to take that very first step you have been dreading to take.

    Coach yourself and prepare for this step. Once taken, try not to quit easily and go back to your #comfortzone. 

    Most of us often dive in and then go back without trying hard enough to work towards progress. Make sure you don’t let that happen.

    Self-coaching is the best way to deal with this. If you still find it difficult, you can always hire a #lifecoach for help on this aspect. 

  3. Break your routine and observe how your mind and emotions play – Routine is comforting and satisfying. But you might have some habits you always wanted to get rid of, but just left them as is because they are a part of your routine. 

    Now is the time to pick one or more of them and just break the routine. Our minds and emotions always play games with us when we do anything new. Observe that and do not give in to them. Over a while, the new activities that you have started would be welcomed by your #mindandemotions. 

    Pat yourself on the back with small rewards whenever you reach some stage of breaking the routine.

  4. Learn something new – It is proven that learning anything new such as a new art form, a technology, a new task, etc is beneficial in many ways. This act helps especially for your mind, body, and emotions to prepare for exploring new things. 

    This in a way helps you get out of your #comfortzone for bigger things in your life too. 

    Think of anything you always wanted to learn but kept it aside giving excuses. Start something you find most interesting and observe your growth.

  5. Find friends, coaches, or organizations which help you get out of your #comfort zone – Find yourself a buddy who can give you a pat on the back when you try something new and get to the first few steps. 

    You can also get yourself a #lifecoach who encourages you to take steps and guides you towards the right path.

There are more options. For example, if public speaking is your fear and something out of your #comfortzone, join some forum such as Toastmasters International.

All in all, getting out of #comfortzone may not be an easy task for most of us. But the rewards are worth giving it a try.

After all, outside your #comfortzone is where the magic happens. 


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