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4 reasons why giving up on your comfort zone is the best way to discover yourself

You sleep, wake up, freshen up, eat, go for work via the same route, come back and chill on the same couch while having pretty much the same food on your plate again and again. This way following the same routine, we get comfortable in our skin and in turn comfortable with whatever routine we follow. We prepare our body and mind in the same way and leave no room to explore more and come out of this comfort zone. But is this healthy? Should we not explore enough before departing from the universe? The answer is debatable.

A cocoon cannot fly – 5 reasons why struggles make you a stronger person

A little boy once saw a caterpillar in his garden. From that day, he started observing the changes it goes through each day. He saw the caterpillar eat leaves, get plumper, and finally one day it hangs upside down from a leaf. It forms a shiny cocoon around itself. The boy was surprised at the changes that the caterpillar was going through. He spoke to his father one day and asked him, "Dad, why has the happy leaf-eating caterpillar turned to this cocoon? I see it must be struggling.

5 ways to get out of your comfort zone and get to growth zone

#Comfortzone is a state of mind we all have when we are around familiar people or in comfortable working or living conditions. It is a nice place to stay for some time but not a place where you will experience growth or get things you want. 

So, clearly there are many reasons why you must get out of your #comfortzone.

Now that we know this as a fact, let us dive deep and see 5 ways to get out of your comfort zone and get to what we call #growthzone. 

5 reasons why you must get out of your comfort zone

Neha has been assigned a new and interesting project on which she can work during her free time. She has been looking for such an opportunity from quite some time.

On Monday, she knew she had enough time to spend on this new project. However, just like most of us, laziness crept in.

She started procrastinating it saying to herself that she would do it after an hour and then more than half a day was spent.

After half a day she pushed it further saying "This is a whole new project I know nothing about. I think I must start it fresh some day!"

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