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5 ways to get out of your comfort zone and get to growth zone

#Comfortzone is a state of mind we all have when we are around familiar people or in comfortable working or living conditions. It is a nice place to stay for some time but not a place where you will experience growth or get things you want. 

So, clearly there are many reasons why you must get out of your #comfortzone.

Now that we know this as a fact, let us dive deep and see 5 ways to get out of your comfort zone and get to what we call #growthzone. 

Difficult situations can help you grow -5 ways how you can gain from a loss

Life is a rollercoaster ride of emotions and situations. Just as good times give us positive vibes, bad times do give us low emotional states. As humans, we do tend to feel demotivated as soon as we hear of any loss. Be it of a dear human, a pet, or even financial loss.

So, what do we do? 

Should we just give in to our emotions or is there a way to spring up from that situation? 

As an old saying says, “There is no better teacher than life’s bad times”, these difficult situations can actually help you grow. 

Here are 5 ways how you can gain from a loss:

Success in the times of uncertainty – 4 ways to keep calm and get going

Imagine an unknown object aimed at you by someone.

What would be your reaction to this? You get scared and the immediate involuntary action is to escape from it. Now, the object may be a stone or just a water balloon. But our brains react in a similar way to #uncertainity. This is how a human brain is wired to respond since the caveman times to anything uncertain or unknown. It is an instinct to save us from unknown dangers.

Top 6 reasons to hire a life coach

If you are among the people who are not aware of what a life coach does, or if you know who a life coach is but want to know the impact they create in your life, this blog is for you.

A life coach is usually a wellness professional trained to help you progress in life.

Life coaches very rarely give you direct advice, but rather help you introspect and seek the answers from within.

Life coaches are not therapists and will not be able to give medical assistance. A therapist helps you heal from past traumas, work through your depression, etc.

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