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keep calm

Success in the times of uncertainty – 4 ways to keep calm and get going

Imagine an unknown object aimed at you by someone.

What would be your reaction to this? You get scared and the immediate involuntary action is to escape from it. Now, the object may be a stone or just a water balloon. But our brains react in a similar way to #uncertainity. This is how a human brain is wired to respond since the caveman times to anything uncertain or unknown. It is an instinct to save us from unknown dangers.

The same is the case with the current #pandemic times where everything is almost uncertain. However, we can do our best to calm our minds and even achieve success in times of #uncertainty. Here are 4 ways to #keepcalm, and get going during these trying times.

  1. Identify the triggers for anxiety and nip them at the budding stage itself - Understand and identify what is getting you more anxious and feel more uncertain. Once identified, minimize the activities that are causing those. For example, in this #pandemic, some people feel more assured having all the information. If you are one of them start reading authorized information to feel more secured and informed. Whereas, some others see the news and information floating everywhere and panic. If you are of the second type, just go on #socialmediadetox and take a break from information consumption. Be #mindful of your emotions while doing any activity.
  2. Start living one day at a time – Living in day-tight compartments is the simplest way of surviving uncertain times. Try to have short-term goals, work towards achieving them, and reward yourself for completing them. As humans, we love having control of our plans. But, during completely uncertain times like these, try to measure your success with short-term goals. These will eventually lead you to a bigger success and fulfillment of a long-term goal. These baby steps are far better than pondering over what may happen.
  3. Go easy on yourself and be your own #coach– This is not the time to be harsh on yourself or to be very competitive. Even if you are a perfectionist by nature, just don’t aim for it right now if you are unable to. The mental conditions and the physical states of everyone around us may not quite contribute to it. The measure of success during these times is different now. It may be as simple as you being able to wake up and get going about your normal day. Coach yourself to keep calm. If this isn’t helping you, feel free to hire a #lifecoach.
  4. Have some vague contingency plans - Another way to feel a sense of certainty is to have roughly thought out the contingency plans. You might not know everything that might happen if things do not go as planned. But you can always have some vague alternate plans. For example, having your health insurance in place, having a rough plan of secondary income if feel your job is uncertain, etc. These need not be solid well-thought plans. But just mere ideas that assure you that it is going to be fine even in the worst-case scenario.

As rightly said by a famous author, "It is how we embrace the #uncertainty that leads to great transformations of our souls".

"Let us remember we are all capable of dealing with this and this too shall pass”.


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