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Healthy Brain

LMNOP a Healthy Brain Acronym

During my days of struggle with Insomnia I was reading a lot of stuff online and from books. But amongst all of the information the best one worth sharing is from an interesting Ted talk by Gregory Caraman.

The Ted Talk is from his experience of studying the brain for a very long time. But the best part of the talk is the way he ends the talk with an Acronym "LMNOP". I love this acronym so much that I used this acronym in both my books.

LOVE - surround yourself with people you love and that love you.

You should surround yourself with people who cheer you in victory or are willing to support you in your downtimes.

MOVEMENT - keep physically active

I was listening to my daughter's online class and the question was
What is the purpose of the brain??
Even my answer was to think.

But I was surprised to know that the brain’s main purpose is to coordinate movement.

Below Link is to Ted Talk on the benefits of exercise: The brain-changing benefits of exercise | Wendy Suzuki - YouTube

A Simple tip that can help to work from home is to drink a glass of water, don't have the water bottle beside you, go to the kitchen, drink water and come back.


push yourself regularly outside of your comfort zone as the brain awakens in the new

With people working from home there is no travel time it used to be approx. 2 hours a day.

I started the practice of yoga for the first time in lockdown. I started with the 15 mins yoga course described in the link below.

If you have never tried yoga I would recommend you to seriously consider it because you achieve the movement and also the novelty.

To start on yoga I would recommend a beautiful book at this link:

The online course that I used to learn yoga:

Novelty can be tried by learning a new language, learning an instrument. Doing something new which you have never done.

My wife started gardening. She planted many varieties of plants which she would have never done had the hustle of going to the office, cooking, dropping the kid, etc. If you think you can do it, change the layout of your room. Many people would give the excuse that they stay in a rented house. If you can't change the layout of the room take your laptop and start working from a new location. Keep changing your surroundings.

OMEGA 3 - Eat healthy fats

Coming to the brain it derives energy from omega3 fatty acids below are the sources of them.

Foods with high omega3 

  1. Flax seeds
  2. Chia seeds
  3. Walnuts
  4. Salmon fish

PAUSE - Have a relaxation time.

Many people keep working on trot. They do not take a break from work. Scientific literature suggests that the harder we try to focus the more difficult it becomes to focus. Take a break from work and let the information get digested. A recommended practice while working would be to implement the pomodoro technique. Don't neglect the biggest pause of all sleep, all the memory goes from short-term memory into long-term memory. Link to the complete Ted talk:

Guest Author - Manohar Grandhi

Author of the BOOK “My Sleepless Nights” (A STORY OF VICTORY OVER INSOMNIA)
Software Lead, a Mentor, and a Volunteer



Ravinder Kaur (not verified)

Wed, 02/03/2021 - 19:37

Manohar Sir, well articulated blog with relevant links for yoga and benefits of exercise.

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