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Is hustling the only way to succeed? 4 reasons why it is important to slow down

"Rahul, if you study for 2 more hours every day, you might get to the top ten ranks this time", a mother suggests.

"Team, I need you all to put in more hours and speed up the delivery of software this time. Work harder guys!", a team leader tried to motivate his team.

"Hustle harder because hustling is the only way you can get to be on the top", an Instagram influencer posted. It had a thousand likes and hundreds of reposts.

A cocoon cannot fly – 5 reasons why struggles make you a stronger person

A little boy once saw a caterpillar in his garden. From that day, he started observing the changes it goes through each day. He saw the caterpillar eat leaves, get plumper, and finally one day it hangs upside down from a leaf. It forms a shiny cocoon around itself. The boy was surprised at the changes that the caterpillar was going through. He spoke to his father one day and asked him, "Dad, why has the happy leaf-eating caterpillar turned to this cocoon? I see it must be struggling.

Find an opportunity to grow during a crisis.

What will be our general response to any crisis or abnormal situation? We slowdown or shut our regular works, find ways and means just to survive. This is with most of us.

However, there is an interesting story of a company which has a revenue of 1000 crores now. MTR (Mavalli Tiffin Rooms) is the company and the story of their evolution and adaptability leaves us all in awe.

Reasons why you may be a bitter person – 4 ways to overcome "Bitterness"

Have you noticed some people who you avoid most of the time? People who are always resentful, complaining, or spreading negativity.

We all might know of at least a couple of them at our work or in our personal lives. This behavior is called “Bitterness” and as much as we hate being around bitter people, we must also take a look at our personalities and see if we are being bitter persons to anyone else.

This self-introspection is essential for our well-being and for people around us to tolerate our behavior.

Success in the times of uncertainty – 4 ways to keep calm and get going

Imagine an unknown object aimed at you by someone.

What would be your reaction to this? You get scared and the immediate involuntary action is to escape from it. Now, the object may be a stone or just a water balloon. But our brains react in a similar way to #uncertainity. This is how a human brain is wired to respond since the caveman times to anything uncertain or unknown. It is an instinct to save us from unknown dangers.

3 ways to intentionally reconnect through insightful conversations

It is a universal fact that #communication is the key for any #relationship. The relation you have with your loved ones and family directly affects your peace and happiness. #Mentalpeace  and #happiness in your personal life in turn helps you to be more productive at your work place too.  However, this part is the most neglected one for most of us.

Many of us have taken the connection with family and loved ones for granted.

LMNOP a Healthy Brain Acronym

During my days of struggle with Insomnia I was reading a lot of stuff online and from books. But amongst all of the information the best one worth sharing is from an interesting Ted talk by Gregory Caraman.

The Ted Talk is from his experience of studying the brain for a very long time. But the best part of the talk is the way he ends the talk with an Acronym "LMNOP". I love this acronym so much that I used this acronym in both my books.

How remote working has changed the work dynamics - 3 ways you can adapt to it

Gone are the days when you have to schedule at least an hour a day for commuting to office.

With pandemic, your desk is just a minute away from your bed. We would be surprised to see how remote working has changed the work dynamics and hence we have 3 ways you can adapt to it with travel to and fro office being out of the picture, we all have adapted and evolved to the new work life scenarios with a lot of things changing for good, permanently.

Top 5 reasons why you must go on social media detox

Social media has become a part of our lives to more extent than we can ever imagine. On an average, each person spends 1 to 2 hours of their time every day on social media apps like twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Though these apps help us stay connected and give us latest news and information, experts say that spending a lot of time on these social media apps is adversely affecting our #mental health.

Why Emotional Quotient (EQ) is more important than IQ?

We are in the digital age where we tend to trust machines more than human beings. Today, people who are emotional are being called names such as over emotional, too gullible, or cry-babies. However, we are forgetting that humans are the smartest living beings on earth. The greatest edge we have over most other living beings is that we have emotions. The key lies in our ability to recognize those emotions and be mindful of how the emotions are governing our decisions.  Emotional intelligence is exactly that!

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