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Top 5 reasons why you must go on social media detox

Social media has become a part of our lives to more extent than we can ever imagine. On an average, each person spends 1 to 2 hours of their time every day on social media apps like twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Though these apps help us stay connected and give us latest news and information, experts say that spending a lot of time on these social media apps is adversely affecting our #mental health. The mindless scrolling through the feeds of these apps may give us instant boost of adrenaline but may cause anxiety and several long-term impacts. Hence #socailmediadetox is need of the hour. Apart from the obvious benefits of time saving and improving your ability to focus on things, social media detox improves your mood overall. Here are the top 7 reasons why you must go on social media detox.

  1. Get rid of #FOMO (Fear of Missing Out
    • Any of us addicted to social media apps has this fear of missing out. #socialmediadetox for a few days proves to you that no mountains would break if we do not use these for few days. Most of your friends might not even notice that you have done this.
  2. Live in the moment rather than capturing the moment
    • If something interesting happens, the first things we do nowadays is pull out our phone to capture that moment rather than living in that moment or responding to people. The next thing we do is to share the pictures and videos through of our social media accounts. #socialmediadetox gives you the freedom from this. You no longer have the urge to share your life and thus in no hurry to capture everything on mobile. 
  3. Focus more on your actual hobbies
    • There are many powerful recreational tools that you might love doing other than just browsing through your social media sites. With your mobile off these time-consuming apps, you will have time for your hobbies and thereby improve quality of the time you spend in a day.
  4. Reconnect with your old friends
    • With the advent of social media, we have forgotten the basic usage of a mobile phone i.e, calling. How long has it been since you spoke to your childhood or college friend? Now is the time. Search for him or her and press that green button on your phone.  Talk or probably arrange for a meetup. You will know how refreshing a conversation can be.
  5. Have some “Me” time
    • With pandemic taking toll on all our lives, #metime only meant scrolling through your phone. How about visiting your little balcony garden or just basking in the sun taking a little dose of Vitamin D, or just watch your kids play without any rush to get back to your phone? With everyday rush, we might not have time to notice #littlethings which give us happiness. The detox days are perfect for this.

All in all, this is much needed for all of us and helps us invest our time well rather than just spending it. Going on a social media detox every two months will have great positive impact on your mental peace and wellbeing.


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