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If your Destiny has planted you in a Desert, then EVOLVE like a Cactus

When you are busy planning your life, Life has its own unexpected surprises for you. Isn’t it? And then we are not prepared for the change, we resist.

We resist in various ways, possibly may be we are fearful, conditioned, prejudiced, or being conclusive about the new environment we are thrown into.

4 simple tips to support your well being

Does your day start with a rush to start the work (household chores or professional work or both) and ends with you dozing off exhausted? Do you always plan to focus on some self-improvement areas but never able to squeeze this in your schedule? Do you wake up with a grumpy face and always wait to go back to bed? Does a single incident with another person bother you for rest of your day? If you have mentally answered “yes” for at least one of these questions, this article is for you. Monotony and routine kill the enthusiasm in us if it is not interesting.

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