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Top 5 reasons why you must go on social media detox

Social media has become a part of our lives to more extent than we can ever imagine. On an average, each person spends 1 to 2 hours of their time every day on social media apps like twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Though these apps help us stay connected and give us latest news and information, experts say that spending a lot of time on these social media apps is adversely affecting our #mental health.

Two powerful tools to improve quality of your life – Journaling and Doodling

Twenty years from today, stress was a rare visitor in daily lives of our previous generation. Today, it is not an exaggeration if I say stress has become part and parcel of everyone’s life irrespective of age, gender, and profession. No wonder we all wait for “weekend” to take a break from it so that we get ourselves prepared to face a new week filled with all this again! Have you ever thought why we crave for weekend when weekdays and weekends both are part of our lives? Shouldn’t we be living or enjoying our life, no matter what the day of week is?

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