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Brooding over past can divert our focus & results, the only thinking filter that can save us is “being in present”!

Raj was awakened by a rather shocking e-mail that day. Being the project manager, he is used to having his smartphone at the bedside every day. That day, when the notification tone woke him up, he scrolled through a dozen of unread e-mails and noticed one that was marked Important. It was from the project manager of a prospective client company, stating they did not like the prototype that Raj's team has worked on. Raj was shocked and disappointed to see this. He and his team has burned the midnight oil for six months to come up with this prototype.

5 reasons why you must get out of your comfort zone

Neha has been assigned a new and interesting project on which she can work during her free time. She has been looking for such an opportunity from quite some time.

On Monday, she knew she had enough time to spend on this new project. However, just like most of us, laziness crept in.

She started procrastinating it saying to herself that she would do it after an hour and then more than half a day was spent.

After half a day she pushed it further saying "This is a whole new project I know nothing about. I think I must start it fresh some day!"

Reasons why you may be a bitter person – 4 ways to overcome "Bitterness"

Have you noticed some people who you avoid most of the time? People who are always resentful, complaining, or spreading negativity.

We all might know of at least a couple of them at our work or in our personal lives. This behavior is called “Bitterness” and as much as we hate being around bitter people, we must also take a look at our personalities and see if we are being bitter persons to anyone else.

This self-introspection is essential for our well-being and for people around us to tolerate our behavior.

Difficult situations can help you grow -5 ways how you can gain from a loss

Life is a rollercoaster ride of emotions and situations. Just as good times give us positive vibes, bad times do give us low emotional states. As humans, we do tend to feel demotivated as soon as we hear of any loss. Be it of a dear human, a pet, or even financial loss.

So, what do we do? 

Should we just give in to our emotions or is there a way to spring up from that situation? 

As an old saying says, “There is no better teacher than life’s bad times”, these difficult situations can actually help you grow. 

Here are 5 ways how you can gain from a loss:

Why being approachable is important for leaders – 5 tips to be an approachable leader

Be it a small company or a huge organization, if you consider yourself as a leader, being #approachable is a must have trait. If you are a boss but have a virtual shield guarding you from your team members not being able to approach you, it might give you the respect you want but can never help you in any other way. 

Being #approachable breaks the imaginary wall between leaders and employees.

10 habits to avoid for improving interpersonal skills

Be it work place or family, #interpersonalskills are extremely essential in current day. However, they are sometimes tricky and difficult to excel. We must observe our own behavioural traits which in turn become unwanted habits over time. Here are top 10 habits to avoid for improving interpersonal skills.

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