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explore yourself

4 reasons why giving up on your comfort zone is the best way to discover yourself

You sleep, wake up, freshen up, eat, go for work via the same route, come back and chill on the same couch while having pretty much the same food on your plate again and again. This way following the same routine, we get comfortable in our skin and in turn comfortable with whatever routine we follow. We prepare our body and mind in the same way and leave no room to explore more and come out of this comfort zone. But is this healthy? Should we not explore enough before departing from the universe? The answer is debatable. Let's discuss the reasons why getting out of your comfort zone won't leave you regretting:

  1. You will discover hidden passions: You pretty much are in the habit of leading a monotonous life and keep looking for hobbies to escape. But so many of us are not just scared but clueless as to where to look for it. You will have to make an effort and find out what intrigues you. Start writing if that is the only medium to express yourself, start shooting yourself if public speaking interests you or just start traveling, that is the best way to explore yourself. That way you also get to know how so many things that interest you existed before but you never knew of it.
  2. Accelerates confidence: We as humans are scared of breaking the bars for the simple reason of getting judged by people around us. Talking to a stranger, going on a solo trip, taking a leave for self-care; all of this requires confidence to proceed. The very idea of trying things beyond your comfort zone raises your confidence like nothing else. Try it. You won’t regret it.
  3. All growth happens when you get outside your comfort zone: Right from stepping in the kindergarten to showing organizations why you deserve the remuneration you are asking, you unknowingly were getting out of your comfort zone all this while. The learning phase continues till your entire lifetime, there is no particular age or reason to come out of it. Whether you fail or grow, you always LEARN. Whether it’s a long workout session or waking up late at night chasing your dream life and cutting down on your favourite meal to get fit, it is always worth it in the end. It is always better to do something you would not attempt, instead of not trying it at all.
  4. You get wiser: When you are surrounded by pretty much the same set of people and environment, you get accustomed to it. You start believing that this is how the world functions. There are a particular way people think. If you try to leave the comfort of your surroundings by hanging out with other people outside your regular company, initiating conversations with strangers, not only do you understand the differences in thoughts, you start appreciating it.

A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there” – John Assaraf

You have taken this birth to do your bit. You shouldn’t waste a single day thinking what if I did it? Taking the first step in the journey can be tough but you would pave your path through it. You never know how it could be the biggest game-changer in your life.


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