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10 questions you can ask yourself

10 questions you can ask yourself to achieve better clarity and focus in 2022

As 2021 ends, all of us now look forward to the beginning of a new year – 2022.

Are you among the many of us who regret not reaching the goals you have set? 

What do you think would have helped you to accomplish your goals? 

It is simply a lack of #focus on your goals and missing #clarity on what needs to be done to achieve your goals. 

Just as with many complicated situations in life, self-awareness and asking yourself the right questions help. So, here are 10 questions you can ask yourself to achieve better clarity and focus in this year. 

  1. What is the top-most distraction that stops me from focusing?  Most of the time, we know what is distracting us. But we are too addicted to it or scared to accept it. The first step to focus on your goals is to accept what distracts you the most. 
  2. Are my goals interesting enough for me to focus on? The main reason for us to get distracted is probably that our own goals and tasks at hand may not seem interesting to us. Set your goals in such a way that working on them excites you. 
  3. Where do I want to see myself at the end of next year? This may seem a very routine question. However, ask yourself this to get better #clarity on what do you want to achieve at the end of 365 new days. The answer will give you clarity of thoughts.
  4. What helped me to focus on a highly distracted day?  Retrospection is also a part of planning. Look back and see what helped you this year to cheer up or get back to work on a day filled with distractions or mood-offs. Note that and follow it for the coming year too.
  5. What is one habit that I want to change for focusing better? We all have that one (sometimes more than one) painful habit we just couldn’t get rid of. This in turn stops us from achieving our goals. Identify that and take steps to change it.
  6. What is one habit that has helped me in the past year? Will it help me in the coming year? You might also have a few great habits that help you in your journey. Get #clarity on these too. Think and decide if that one habit that helped you will aid your growth even in the coming year or you must make amends to it. 
  7. What puts my mood off and makes me lose focus? The answer to this question can be a list of things. For example, for a career goal such as suggesting creative ideas for a new project, the answer for this question can be something like this – Higher management rejecting my idea. Now that you know what is stopping you from being persistent, #focus on getting back on track.
  8. What is the ideal and productive day according to me? A productive year is nothing but 365 productive days or at least 300+ days that you utilize to the best. Check what according to you is an ideal day and try to make each day an ideal one.
  9. What are the self-doubts I have that are stopping me from focusing? Under confidence and self-doubt are the biggest enemies of success. Check what is stopping you and eliminate them.
  10. How would I feel after achieving my goals? The answer to this question would give you a boost to work on your goals and take action each day. 

Remember that every accomplishment starts with a decision to make resourceful choices for self. 

We hope that you will learn from the mistakes made in 2021 and seek new ideas and set the intention for success in 2022! 


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